Most people who use Netflix for its streaming services of movies and TV shows have come across the show 13 Reasons Why. This show is one of the most controversial Netflix original TV series to date. It covers a lot of touchy topics and goes extremely deep. Some episodes of the show are more intense than others but for the most part, the common theme of the show is pretty dark. Some characters of the show are working on overcoming depression from the traumatic experiences that they have endured. Other characters in the show are working on building there romantic relationships and friendships.
An interesting fact about 13 Reasons Why is that Selena Gomez is one of the executive producers on the show! Keep reading to find out which characters from the show we love and which ones we can’t stand.
15 We Love Clay Because He Always Does The Right Thing
Clay Jensen is passionate about doing the right thing, no matter what the cost. He stands up against bullies all the time in order to fight for what is right. If he knew what Hannah was going through, he would’ve been there to talk her off the ledge. He would have been there to make sure she overcame her pain.
14 We Love Tony Because He Was Hannah's Only True Friend
Tony Padilla is another excellent character from 13 Reasons Why that we totally love. He was one of Hannah's only true friends while she was still alive. She asked Tony to distribute her recorded audio tapes to everyone on the list because she knew that he was someone she could trust.
13 We Can't Stand Bryce Because He Assaulted Multiple Girls
Bryce Walker is one character that we absolutely cannot stand! He assaulted multiple girls at his high school and didn’t seem to feel remorseful or regretful about it until the very end. He ended up getting murdered because of the atrocious actions that he took against so many different girls.
12 We Love Jessica Because She Is A Strong Survivor
We totally love Jessica! She is a strong survivor and she spoke up in a courtroom full of other people, even though it was extremely hard for her to do that. A lot of people who have gone through assault find it difficult and challenging to come forward and tell the truth about the situation, but she was brave and strong enough to do that.
11 We Love Justin Because He's Overcome Much Adversity
Justin Foley is an awesome character who has overcome a lot of adversity. He grew up in a household with a mother who didn’t seem to care much about him. She dated many different guys and Justin ended up getting abused at a young age because of that. He has also struggled with substance abuse.
10 We Can't Stand Monty Because He Bullied Others
We can’t stand Monty because he was one of the main bullies on the show before he passed away. He ended up getting killed while he was locked up in prison but before he was locked up, he was in denial about his own sexual orientation and taking out his pain on others.
9 We Love Alex Because He's Apologetic For His Mistakes
We have a lot of love for a character like Alex because he was extremely apologetic for his past mistakes. The biggest mistake that he made was making a list titled “hot or not”. The list objectified girls at his high school and he knew that it was a mean thing to do. He was remorseful.
8 We Love Tyler Because He's A Strong Survivor
We love Tyler because just like Jessica, he is another strong survivor. He was bullied by a group of guys in his high school and they ended up assaulting him in the most disturbing and frightening way ever. He survived and realized it was important to speak up about what he’d been through.
7 We Can't Stand Ani Because She's An Instigator
Ani was always an instigator throughout her time on the show. It seemed like she was always wrapped up in other people’s drama and other people’s issues. Viewers often wondered why she didn’t take a step back and stay out of everyone else’s business for once. She was always stirring up trouble or getting stuck in the middle of a problem.
6 We Love Zach Because He Was There For Hannah
We easily have so much love for Zach because he was there for Hannah while she was still alive. Yes, he stole the encouragement notes from her classroom box but after that, they were able to develop a healthy and strong friendship where he was there for her. They were even able to be romantic with each other! He is played by Ross Butler who also briefly starred on Riverdale.
5 We Love Sheri Because She Stepped Up To Make Up For Her Mistakes
We love Sheri because she stepped up to make up for her past mistakes. She is the one who knocked over the street sign that led to a car accident. She decided to start volunteering her time and energy to the family that went through the emotional loss after that accident. She stepped up to make amends.
4 We Can't Stand Marcus Because He Acts Like A Typical Immature High School Jerk
We can’t stand Marcus because he acted like a typical immature high school jerk when Hannah was still alive. He treated her poorly and was super annoying! For some reason, he cared more about acting like a cool guy instead of developing an honest and true relationship with Hannah.
3 We Love Chloe Because She Parted Ways With Bryce
We love Chloe Rice because she was strong enough to part ways with Bryce. She was blinded by love in her relationship with him and tried to convince herself that he was a good guy for a long time. Finally, she opened up her eyes and decided that she needed to make a change and that she needed to get far away from him.
2 We Love Hannah Because She Was Brutally Honest
We love Hannah because she was brutally honest and her tapes told the truth about her life situation. At the same time, we also don’t like the fact that Hannah decided to end her own life. She decided to end her own life based on temporary circumstances. She acted as if high school was going to be forever. If she waited a few more years until college, she would have realized that life gets so much better after high school.
1 We Can't Stand Seth Because He Harms Justin
We can’t stand Seth because he was always very abusive with Justin. He was in a relationship with Justin‘s mother and always treated Justin badly. Justin‘s circumstances in life were never easy, but having someone like Seth in the mix always made things more challenging and depressing for him.